This is the first in an occasional series of stories that bring a smile to my face (even in the re-telling), and may do the same for you. As many of you already know, I’m in the throws of my daughter’s-graduation-from-college-week in New York … [Continue reading]
Base of Operations
Thinking differently about your work means thinking about different kinds of work. We all know what we’ll to be doing today. But where are the people passing us on the street going to work, and what will they be doing when they get there? … [Continue reading]
Open the Door
Discovery results—as often as not—from our ability to combine the familiar with the unexpected into a new way of doing things. It’s as true about the challenges we face at work, as it is about figuring out what kind of work we should be doing in the … [Continue reading]
I am a Work in Progress
How you introduce yourself has everything to do with how you see yourself. I am a writer. A speaker. A company starter and a dispute resolver. But that’s not all that I am. How others see me, and even more importantly, how I see myself, is … [Continue reading]
I am (not) my job
We’ve all had the feeling in the pit of our stomachs. Somebody asks you “What do you do?” They seem to think they’ll learn a lot about you by asking, but you’d rather they never had. Maybe your job needs too much defending or explaining. Or you’d … [Continue reading]